The Drop In at the Simpson Institute takes place every Thursday from 10:15 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. All are welcome to stop by for a coffee/tea home baking and blether with friends. Donation of £2 requested.
Flowers in Church
If you wish to donate fresh flowers for the Sunday church services for any occasion, or in memory of someone, please speak to Linda Trotter. Our flowers after the service are much appreciated as they go out through the Pastoral Care Team to those who are unwell, bereaved or have celebrated a special occasion.
East Neuk Foodbank
‘To eat? Or to heat?’ That is the question facing many families. The East Neuk Food Bank has experienced a 38% increase for its services since the covid outbreak. Donations of tinned fruit, tinned meat, pasta sauces, cereals, biscuits or sugar would be most welcome. Please leave goods in the Church Vestibule. Monetary donations also welcome. An enveloped mark Foodbank in the offering plate/box will see your gift to the Foodbank.